Thursday, 1 September 2016

Rainy Days


Hi again, just a couple of pics of our van if you see us around Dubbo give us a wave.

Well today I want to talk about rainy days, something we have been experiencing a lot of lately, Most people in Dubbo know how hard it is to remove the red soil that gets tracked inside especially with the bad weather, it is seriously a nightmare but we can remove it for you and have those carpets looking new again. The new CX wand is amazing and with new products just arrived for even better stain removal we've got it covered.
That's what I love about our business, technology changes and improves all the time both with products and equipment and it's so exciting to be on the cutting edge of this industry to be better and better consistently.
While I'm at it a word on steam, there is nothing better and I do mean NOTHING better than steam to clean your carpets, tiles, mattresses, lounges anything at all, please don't confuse steam cleaning with carpet shampooing that leaves your carpets wet for so long they can become mould ridden or dry cleaning that leaves nasty chemicals in your carpet, with steam the steam goes in after pre spraying and then the wand pulls it all out, that's the dirt, the bacteria, the products everything, the temperature is so high to create the steam it kills all fungi and flea eggs as well as carpet beetle, no other system can replicate this and as most of you will know steam is used for sterilizing everything, well it's the same for your carpets and tiles.
As a matter of fact all Government buildings only use steam cleaning for this purpose but beware it's a high tech now and training is needed and unfortunately in our industry some people are not as well trained as they could be and when you think about it the investment in your floor coverings is in the thousands so make sure when it's time to clean your using the best Team with Steam.

Till next time, You'rs in Freshness Di

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